What is the Liberated Man?
Nov 29, 2023
A liberated man is the type of person who desires to realize his full potential. He creates his own set of values and beliefs, often forging his own path in life. He defines his own happiness and fulfillment on his terms and nobody else’s. He is deeply rooted in his own identity as someone who is free to express their authentic nature. He always trusts himself to make the right decision in any given situation.
Do you know someone like this? This kind of person is a rare sight to behold.
The thing is, we all have a desire to be the best we can be. For some, this comes more naturally it seems. You may know someone like this… they radiate a certain kind of energy which makes everyone drawn to them. They are full of life and bursting with joy and confidence.
Often times they are quite ambitious and they question everything. They are problem solvers and are relentless in their search for the answers. They seem to expand with greater joy and energy when they are able to be of service in some way to others. They lovingly push and encourage others to be their best, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction when they see others succeed.
Then there are other people who seem to coast through life as if living on auto-pilot. Just going through the motions. They appear to have very little ambition or desire. Nothing really excites them. They are withdrawn and isolated from the rest of the world. They merely exist, nothing more, nothing less.
Which one of these personalities do you relate to more? Be honest with yourself.
If you identify more with the latter, I have some good news and some terrible news. Let’s get the terrible news out of the way first. The terrible news is, you have been conditioned to be the person you are today. There was nothing you could really do growing up as you had cultural ideologies and stigmas shoved down your throat.
Starting with your parents and extending all the way out to teachers, friends, and authority figures. You were shaped and molded by the beliefs, opinions, and behaviors of those closest to you and also what you saw on TV.
You were brainwashed to be a certain way. Part of it as I just mentioned was the environment and the conditions you grew up in.
And of course you have a core personality structure that develops alongside what you experience in the outside world… but as science is demonstrating, certain genes and behaviors can get turned off or on depending on the complex relation between internal and external factors.
So you may have started off with the potential to be a certain way but because of what you went through as kid growing up, you could have developed to be almost the exact opposite of what your biology intended you to be.
It’s a bit disconcerting isn’t it?
When people realize that they have been fucked over in some ways by the world, this can often lead down a path of depression and anger. And in some ways, that’s a good thing because now people are starting to wake up.
So here’s the good news… You are capable of changing. With the right tools and information, you can completely alter the fabric of your reality. You can go from depressed, angry, resentful, and unfulfilled to living the life you truly desire and have always dreamed of.
That’s what the journey of the Liberated Man is all about. And I’m excited to share what I have learned throughout the many years in my own journey of self-transformation.
Growing up I always had this subtle feeling that there was more to life than what I was currently experiencing. I didn’t have the best family environment and I struggled with poverty and some serious health conditions for many years. At times I felt like there was no way out, but I knew I had to do something or continue feeling miserable for the rest of my life.
So I embarked on a journey of healing and self-exploration which has taken me to the most exotic places all over the world and I have met many mentors and spiritual teachers along the way that have aided me in my journey.
Now I am ready to reveal everything that I have learned and applied in my life to create the life of freedom and adventure that I currently enjoy, even in the midst of this pandemic.
We’ll explore everything from sex and dating, to spirituality, the science behind change and transformation and much more.
For now, feel free to explore the website and check out my videos on YouTube to get a better idea of who I am and what I do.
May all your dreams come true.
Shae “Shaeman” Matthews
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