Details about the Experience
Sep 30, 2019
Structure of The Immersion
Feburary 1st 2020.
The Return of the Hero Experience will be held on Koh Phanang Island, Thailand.
The Retreat will be broken into 4 major sections called PHASES that can be taken individually or put together into one big lifestyle transformation Retreat.
Phase one: Will be all about Setting the stage for deep inner change and lifestyle design.
This will include Assessments of your personality, goals, and values along with a plan to help you clear up traumas, collapse negative sabotage patterns and build positive daily rituals that you will learn to maintain in your daily life.
How long will it take?
Depending on how long you want to attend. You can stay for a short as 7 days or as long as 8 weeks. The ideal time will be up to you and how much time you can invest in the process.
Each phase of the training will have a one week intensive followed by a one week follow up integration with voluntary experiences. Begin February 1st to 7th for the intensive week, or 14th including the integration week.
Phase 2 begins the 15th of feb till the 21st or the 28th including integration.
Phase 3 begins March 1st till the 7th or the 14th including integration. And the final phase 4 begins 15th of march till the 21st or the 28th including the integration week.
This is a unique offer because you can join the training in any of these phases and focus on the specific training phases for that period. Or join us the whole time and get the whole package.
What will be covered in the content?
This program is both a lifestyle design habit building workshop as well as an opportunity to focus and develop your personality, skills, mindsets and strategies.
The General Routine every day will have these elements
- Wake up to healthy morning routine
- Work out
- Meditate
- Eat clean and well
- Study important topics
- Work on things we love
- Socialise and relax
The Natural: Inner Clarity & Time Travel
The Supernatural is the set of concepts we teach during the immersion. It consists of 2 parts.
Here you will get to know about the Natural part, the Inner Game part, which consists about 70-80% of the whole program.
In Social Prime we have the belief that everyone was BORN a Natural. The problem is that, as you grow up, through bad upbringing, damaging parenting habits, shitty schooling environment, peer pressure, etc, you end up putting a weight on your back.
When you finally become an adult you have accumulated years of this weight and the worst part is you have forgotten about it. Imagine that you are carrying a backpack full of bricks and you are trying to run. When you realize you can’t run you end up blaming it on yourself, forgetting completely that you are carrying the bricks.
See nothing really is wrong with you. The only thing you have to do is finally realize that you are carrying an unnecessary weight and drop it.
And that’s exactly the way the program works. We don’t actually give you anything new in terms of outer game, techniques, routines or any bullshit like that.
What we do instead is, we take that weight off your back, so you can revert back to your natural state, back to how things were supposed to be from the very beginning.
We follow the emotional trail through your memories until we reach the core memory of the first years of your life when the FIRST traumatic event occurred. We work through the memories and unburden the trauma. It's a deep, intense emotional experience with the goal to crack your blockage and break you truly free for first time and here is how it is executed...
Time Travel
The way we do that is with a “Time Travel” session. This is an individual session between each student individually and two coaches that can take anywhere between 4 and 10 hours.
It is a completely new, state-of-the-art method that we developed from zero, combining our personal realizations with concepts from psychology, cognitive therapy, sociology, neuroscience and evolutionary biology.
It uses a variety of cognitive and behavioral techniques, but it isn’t defined by its use of these strategies. We do lots of problem solving and we borrow from many psychotherapeutic modalities, including dialectical behavior therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, Gestalt therapy, compassion focused therapy, mindfulness, solution focused therapy, motivational interviewing, positive psychology, interpersonal psychotherapy, and even psychodynamic psychotherapy.
The problem that people don’t realize is that most, if not all, of their behaviors are ruled by subconscious mental habits that started at the very early years of their lives. They might have completely forgotten about those events, but those mental habits and limiting beliefs have been always running in the background of their mind stopping them from achieving their goals.
Approach anxiety is a big example of that. The typical and horrible approach in the dating industry is to mass approach until you become “desensitized” to this approach anxiety.
Truth is that doing this without being aware of those subconscious mechanisms that rule your behaviors will only end up damaging you more. The approach anxiety will never completely disappear if you don’t find its root. That for example could be an event of rejection by your first crush when you were a kid.
Even worse, it could be some harsh punishment that you received from your parents that forced you to suppress any expression of emotions or desire in fear of a potential punishment.
Until you find that root of where those negative feelings, behaviors and limiting beliefs about yourself started you will never be able to completely get rid of them or change them.
Imagine a sick tree that you want to remove from your garden. It’s as if you are trying to kill it by chopping off its branches. Eventually they will grow back and you won’t get rid of the tree. The only real solution is to pull it out from its root.
And that’s exactly how the Time Travel works.
You will literally, re-experience all over again the most traumatic events of your life. You will follow the whole trail of your darkest thoughts your worst fears, your scariest nightmares all the way into the core.
You will be able to reach memories that you didn’t even know were there, from ages as young as 2-3 years old.
Once you re-experience those first traumatic events and you give a new perspective to them, those negative emotions and beliefs instantly dissolve.
Students who were experiencing extreme emotional pain, breakdowns and even convulsions as they were re-living their first traumatic experiences, would suddenly go all calm and in the following seconds would emerge completely changed, relaxed and with a bright smile in their face.
That change is immediate and the tremendous effects follow you all the way into the present. The results include:
- Great mood improvement
- Instant increase in confidence and self-esteem
- Instant improvement in social skills
- Dissolvement of social and approach anxiety
- Mental Clarity and Improved Focus
- Greatly Improved awareness
- Increased Creativity in Social Situations
- An overall improvement of mental functions
- An immediate change of negative mindsets
- Getting a step closer to real happiness
On top of the Time Travel, you will be taught and will practice concepts that will solidify that mental change you will go through. You will learn how to be more aware and come in better touch with your own emotions.
Say goodbye to “bad nights”, inconsistencies in your results and state crashes.
Moreover, due to the inner change you will be able to connect different concepts and ideas faster. You will be able to come up with ideas on the spot to help you resolve any problem that might come up in your interactions and all that without you even having to think about it.
Now with the concepts that we teach you, you will be able to game at any moment without the need to “be in state”.
Everyone else in the community is trying to teach you how to “be in state”. Here you will learn how to game without state, any time at any place and still end up getting insane results and consistent pulls.
You will learn how to enjoy every single night even when you are in the most horrible and grumpy mood. The best part is that all those will feel completely effortless.
The new clarity and perception that you will get through the program will allow you to exert less logical effort and instead you will assign all those tasks like keeping up with the conversation or adjusting your body language to your subconscious.
If you have seen the movie Limitless, then you can get a slight idea of what awaits ;)
The Super Part:
External Understanding
On top of all the mental reprogramming you will also learn our simple but extremely advanced screening-and-calibration system.
Remember this moment of confusion when one pickup coach tells you to do one thing and then another coach tells you to do the exact opposite. And you are just sitting there not having an idea what you are supposed to do and in which case, so you end messing up your interactions.
Well now is the time to solve this problem once and for all. In this part of the program you will internalize a new model of observing and understanding human behavior, which is gonna take away all the confusion.
Imagine the problem as scattered pieces of a puzzle. One is green and kinda looks like grass, one is blue and kinda looks like sky. You kinda get the idea of what the image is, but you don't completely know what it is.
With the new model we are putting all the pieces of the puzzle together, so you can finally see and understand the WHOLE PICTURE.
And here is how we're gonna do that.
Figure Out The Blueprints
“Understand her mind”
People have very distinct personalities and each one of them requires a different approach. Contrary to what pickup coaches have been trying to convince you for all these years, there is no one-size-fits-all solution.
When you mass approach women, you will by luck stumble on some whose personality matches yours. You will do or say something congruent to you which will work, but then when you will try the same thing to another girl you will get blown out.
The first step to solving this issue is getting a clear and in depth understanding of how human personalities form and how they are divided in pretty distinct categories.
People are not the same. Differences in their upbringing which you are not aware about can put them in different sides of the spectrum.
In order to be able to connect with people from different sides of this spectrum you will need first to be able to recognize where on that spectrum they belong.
Ironically similar systems have existed in sales and marketing for many decades, but NOBODY so far has implemented them in Dating and Pickup. So we did exactly that.
In the Supernatural we have divided people into 4 distinct personality types.
During the theory sessions you will get a crystal clear understanding of those 4 personality types and how they differ.
To be more precise:
- You will understand female psychology In Depth
- You will see the cause specific behaviors
- You will understand why your type of ‘game’ doesn’t work with some girls
- You will stop putting women on a pedestal
- You will be more objective and accurate in the way you perceive people
- Women’s behaviors will stop being a mystery
- You will be able to learn from your failures instead of taking them personally
- The confusion of all these years will instantly go away
All these unsuccessful efforts of years and the question that comes with them: “Why didn’t it work? What did I do wrong?”
Will finally be explained.
On top of that we will use that understanding to figure out YOUR OWN UNIQUE BLUEPRINT.
This will allow you to become more aware of your own personality. You will finally be able to see clearly what it is that drives you, motivates you in your relationships... and most important of all…What exactly type of woman you can attract and form the deepest and most enjoyable relationships with.
To summarize it:
- You will get a deep understanding of your own blueprint and personality
- You will find out why your relationships of the past have failed
- You will finally have a clear idea of what you attracted to
- You will develop your own, unique and specific standards according to your personality
- You will know what type of woman you should be going for
- You will stop falling into the trap of pickup’s impossible standards
- You will get a step closer to real self-actualization
Once you understand those blueprints we will move on to the next step on your way to success which is…
Screen Effectively & Optimize Approaching
“See through her”.
As we said blindly mass approaching is not getting you anywhere. When you do that you leave your results in the hands of chance. In your eyes everyone is the same and you treat them all the same way.
Sometimes you will randomly approach someone whose blueprint is close to yours and you will get the results that you want and some other times you will approach someone who is very different from you. The problem is that your approach will be the same and not calibrated to her personality type
You will end up getting blown out, taking the “failure” personally.
This causes extra confusion and perpetuates the belief that you “need to learn more game” cause you are thinking that what you are doing is not good enough. In truth you just didn’t SCREEN properly.
Now that we have already figured out your own Blueprint, you will be screening and approaching mostly women whose Personality Blueprint is close to yours.
So instead of having 1 out of 10 interactions going well by chance, soon you will have 9 out of 10 interactions going amazingly well.
And the best part, you will realize that women who before you considered “out of your league” are actually much more approachable than you thought.
The way we will do that is by teaching you how to read specific traits and sub-communications.
More specifically you will learn how to read:
- Body language
- Facial Expressions
- Body Posture
- Eye Contact
- Her Style
- Her social circle
- The environment
- Her social media photos and profile
Once you get a grasp of those, you will be able to figure out extremely fast a huge part of her personality in a matter of seconds.
You see when I am in the club it feels like I have what I call “The Terminator Vision”. I just take a look around and in seconds I have a very precise feel of the personality of every girl I looked at.
This is an ability that we will cultivate and sharpen during the program.
So from now on instead of approaching blindly and leaving your success at chance, you will know exactly what to go for and how to focus your attention and efforts like a laser.
To summarize it:
- You will stop playing a numbers game
- You will get the ability to almost “read minds”
- You will weed out the “time-wasters”
- You will stop leaving your results to chance
- You will be approaching only sets with true potential
- You will be able to pull considerably faster
- You will be approaching girls who match your standards and desires
- You will be at ease with being yourself
Since your Blueprints will match you will be able to create intense attraction and chemistry, just by being yourself, without having to exert any mental effort or use lines and routines.
Read Her Mind
“Boost Your Empathy”
Now that you have a good headstart and know what you are going for you need to keep having that clear view of what is going on through her mind.
In order to go to the next step which is calibration you will learn how to see what emotions she is going through and what thoughts are going on through her mind. This is a process that is constant and ongoing through your interactions.
In order to be able to do that we will teach you how to read the most subtle of the most subtle social cues and behaviors.
More specific you will learn how to read:
- Facial Expressions and Microexpressions
- Body posture
- Eye movements
- Voice tonality
- Sudden mood Swings
- Specific behavioral patterns
You will develop a really sharp ability to know when people are lying to you. So from now on you will know if she has a boyfriend or if “she has a boyfriend”.
Also no more trying to deal with token excuses. When she says “I have to stay with my friends”, you will know if it’s a fake excuse, or an honest concern of hers.
On a good day in the club it’s impossible for any girl to lie to me. I know exactly at every second of the interaction what she is thinking and what she is feeling. I am literally in her head and I can predict what she is going to say or do next.
And this is a skill that I am going to pass on to you, the ability to “Read Minds”.
More specifically:
- You will know when women and people lie to you
- You will know when you are dealing with bullshit excuses or honest concerns
- You will get a sharp & Clear understanding of people’s thoughts and emotions
- You will be able to identify the different types of shittests
- You will know when the time is right to escalate, build comfort, pull, etc
- You will be able to identify her concerns (judgement, safety, comfort, etc)
- You will know why you are getting LMR
Now with that knowledge in hand we are moving on to the next step.
Calibrate Precisely
“Connect with her Mind”
Now that you have both the ability to screen and read her mind on the spot, you will learn what the right course of action is according to the signals she is giving you.
If you always had problems with calibration and didn’t know what to do, you will love this part of the program. Questions like “when should I be the bad boy?”, and “when should I be the gentleman?” are finally answered.
Now when you hear the “You are a player” shittest, you will know if you should take it further and make fun of it, or give her a comforting answer.
You will now know not just her blueprint, but also what types of behaviors she is attracted to. And the best part…
You don’t have to fake or pretend a specific behavior that is incongruent to you.
Because of the work we do in The Natural (Inner Game) part of the program you will be able to come in touch with and express aspects and sides of your personality that you had suppressed.
And it’s those traits that will allow you to calibrate accurately and build a deep solid connection.
More specifically you will learn:
- How to pass correctly EVERY shittest
- What style of game you should follow in each interaction
- How to expand your comfort zone in the right way
- How to always know what the right thing to do is
- How to minimize failure
- How to prevent and deal with excuses
- How to address her deep concerns
- How to set the right frames
- How to prevent and deal with LMR
- How to reduce flaking
- How to build solid interactions
No more fucked up nights of mystery where you are stuck, trying to figure out where you fucked up.
No more taking failure personally, since you now have a clear idea of what went wrong and what you have to do next time.
A New Model Of Reality
At this point you have a completely new model of looking at people and human interactions. The best lessons that you will get from this model is when you try to fit in all the lessons from other pickup material you have studied in the past.
You will be surprised to realize that our model is not here to replace or collide what you already know, but to take all that knowledge and put it in the right place in your mind.
Now, you can finally utilize and get the most out of all the theories and material of the past, because you finally understand what exactly should be applied in every unique situation.
On top of that you will be able to absorb new information much easier, internalize it faster and weed out the bullshit.
You will be able to use your brain more efficiently and allocate tasks that before where tedious and exhausting to your subconscious.
And no I am not claiming that the whole process will make you smarter. What it will do though is it will allow you to THINK SMARTER
Eventually social interactions and game will feel...
Natural. Smooth. Effortless.
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